I cleared up the display a bit and my friend at work pointed out that I placed the markers in the wrong spot. Anytime you measure the voltage in a high current pulsed circuit you're going to see a slope in the trailing voltage drop due to capacitors and such. You're not going to see a sudden drop in voltage. Here is a PDF showing a PWM circuit that is very close to how the FPC is designed. The FPC uses two Mitsubishi 5223 comparators to create the PWM circuit. One as an oscillator and the other as the comparator/driver. The FPC is a pulse width modulated circuit although it's a bit crude. [ http://www.maximusdvd.com/mytwinturbo/tech/fpc/New-FPC/pwmhp75.pdf ] Here are pictures of the cleaned up drive signals "at" the motor. Low speed.
Medium speed.
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